More expensive – it means better?

“Quality has its own price!” – this slogan has already firmly entrenched in the minds of many people. If you pour the same wine into bottles of different price categories, consumers will prefer a more expensive product.

Scientists call this phenomenon a “placebo market effect”. It was revealed during multiple research. A recent experiment was a new confirmation, which turned out that More expensive energy drinks act better on the ability to focus than cheap ones, although they have the same composition.

Bernd Weber from the Center for Economics and Neurobiology of the University of Bonn (Germany) and Hilke Plassmann (Hilke Plassmann) from the INSEAD business school in Fontainebox (France) were versed in why some customers are more affected by price and brand. They concluded that the predisposition to this influence depends on the structure of the brain.

Scientists invited volunteers to participate in a survey, during which they were supposed to choose between the same wine with different prices. Also, the participants had to say which wine tastes better. After that they were checked on a tomograph to find out the parameters of various zones of the brain.

It turned out that The market effect of the placebo correlates with the size of the striped body, the front of the cerebral cortex and the island share. The striped body is a part of the brain that is responsible for reactions to praise, the front of the cerebral cortex is associated with rational thinking, and the island share – with the implementation of body functions.

The probability of the effect of the market effect of the placebo also depends on the personal characteristics. For example, The more actively your brain reacts to praise, the sooner it will be guided by artificially created expectations. This applies (which is surprising!) to people who rationally invest money. Those who, on the contrary, are betting on sensory perception are more resistant to the influence of prices in a wine store.

“It remains to find out how much this feature depends on the circumstances,” says Bernd Weber. The size of the areas of the brain may change under the influence of the learning process, for example, juggling. “Our results do not mean that certain consumers are born with greater exposure to this effect. It depends on a combination of circumstances, ”adds to Hilka Plassmann.

Researchers decided to use these conclusions for medical purposes. They have to understand whether some drugs prescribed for psychosis and depression can cause shop -enormous as a side effect.

“It is interesting to find out the connection between the probability of a“ placebo market effect ”, personal characteristics and brain structure,” Bernd Weber sums up.

10 mother’s phrases that help in adulthood

Personality formation largely depends on how relations with the mother developed. Sometimes the influence is influenced by ordinary words. What can the child say so that he grows up a harmonious and happy person? Says psychotherapist Chrissy Diraff.

My mother has done a lot for me in the process of education, she still helps me a lot. But the most important thing she gave me is the inner voice that now lives in me. It sounds in my head every day, in it my superlace. With her amazing words, my mother raised confidence and a sense of integrity inside me.

1. You are beautiful. Usually my mother said this when I did something good, made the right decision, showed independence or showed the power of character. She also said this when I was sweaty, dirty and worked hard. Mom taught me that real beauty lives inside, in good deeds, and not in appearance.

2. You will be a great mom. I heard these words throughout my life. Mom did not try to set me up to have children. But then she saw something important in me. In adulthood, I rely on it every day. At times, I feel exhausted, tired, tortured by experiences and doubting what to do next. But I never doubt myself as a mother.

3. I sympathize with you. Mom always wanted to know that I was worried. Even if she did not know what was the matter, or did not understand my feelings, she sympathized with me. Empathy brings up empathy. This is one of the most important skills that need to be mastered in childhood. Empathy is a necessary condition for healthy and successful relations in adulthood. Healthy relationships, in turn, develop self -confidence.

4. What do you want to do? Mom never showed me what to do. If it seemed to her that I was going out of the way or about to make an incorrect decision, she showed me support and trust. Mom did not try to repair obstacles or control me. She asked about my thoughts and feelings and thereby taught me that they are important.

5. You can do it. When I doubted and did not know what to do, my mother said that she trusted me. She believed that I would figure it out myself. The ability to make decisions is very important for the development of self -esteem. Mom never questioned my decisions. She allowed me to be the main thing in my life. Mom was always on my side. She was nearby, ready to catch me if I suddenly fall.

6. invite friends. In our house, my friends were always happy. They could come, even when I was not at home, they knew that my mother would invite them to come in and treated them with something delicious. With the help of open -door policies, she taught me not to worry about trifles: how purely in the house or how long the dinner was sophisticated. You just cordially accept people.

7. I’m praying for you. When I grew up, my mother wore rosary for prayer, they still with her. For her, prayer was not a impulse of sentimentality, she prayed for truly for my guys, friends, their parents and distant relatives. She taught me to pray for children, which gives me a huge peace. This helps children: they feel calm and safe.

8. I love you. Of course, all mothers say these words. My mother said it constantly. If there were more suitable words in the world to describe her feelings for me, she would use them. But there were no other words, so my mother pronounced them, as if it were the maximum manifestation of feelings. It seems to me that they are not enough to describe the love she experienced for me.

9. Funny as it should. Childhood was filled with fun, games and laughter. My heart strives for this when life becomes difficult. Mom still says this phrase when I bring children with an overnight stay. She sends me out the door and says I don’t worry about anything. When I return, he asks how I had fun while she was looking after the children, rejoices at my joy. In this way, she shows: I am not a burden, I am joy, my children are joy. From this, it bursts in my chest: I feel that I am doing everything right.

10. I’m proud of you. I was incredibly lucky to grow and hear that someone is proud of me, regardless of circumstances. I grew up with faith in the fact that I can be proud of myself, and I am proud. Thank you mom.

Live and believe

A person needs to believe something vital in something, even if in progress. This is something like vitamin for our soul.

Wife has a birthday. Guests, calls, congratulations by e-mail, SSMESKI. One poetic SS from a colleague ended like this: “Let your saint to live and believe help you”. It seemed to me to be painful to “live and believe”. My childhood passed under such a motto. Moreover, “living” meant here not just a biological existence, but a life filled with ideals and meanings, of course.

The facades of houses are hung with slogans: “The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism!”The expression” will live “was synonymous with the word” believe “. Mayakovsky: “I know – the city will be, I know – the garden of the bloom …” The word “I know” – the synonym “believe”, and together they meant “living”. That’s why I live that I know and believe. There is no more knowledge in this, as if someone said: “I know, God is”.

And also a song of the era of the first flights into space:

Living and believing is wonderful.

Before us are unprecedented ways:

Cosmonauts and Dreamers say,

That the apple trees will bloom on Mars.

It was sincerely performed by Vladimir Troshin. And again: dreamers claim. Funny! Refrigerators and TVs were not yet for everyone. Kommunalka without hot water and bathroom. Public baths, public laundry in the courtyards. That it would seem to these people to apple trees who will bloom on Mars? The song, however, was popular.

I already wanted to conclude that this expression was the phenomenon of exclusively Soviet ideology. But no. On the Internet, I immediately got to the translation of the FIFA World Cup Song. The substrate is not very clever, but the meaning is clear: “Give me fire, give me freedom. Live and believe me give me a reason. In this world, complete negativity, it is time for us to find an alternative for a showdown. Give me strength, reasons to laugh. Love all over the world – it is like a medicine … ”And so on. In general, we will alternatively find out relationships on the football field, and faith, freedom, love and joy should reign in the world.

One way or another, the matter is, if in ideology, then not in the first place. Any of us needs faith, even the most pragmatic and business. This is a kind of life-creating vitamin, without which the soul begins to feel at first anxiety and discomfort, then falls into longing, then hesitates. Moreover, psychologically, the very state of faith is more important than its content. In the 20-30s of the last century, the majority believed in communism. Almost everything is in progress and science. They had to bring not only prosperity,

Dacă credeți în sugestiile prietenilor de compasiune și a mii de filme și programe de televiziune, cel mai bun instrument kamagra pastile a veni singur după ce fata a spus „Adio”, – fiți imediat în pat cu oricare altul. Sexul într-o astfel de situație este necesar fie pentru a se răzbuna („Las bucurie.

but also happiness. However, in the same years, Ilf sadly wrote: “Everyone said: radio, radio. And now – there is a radio, but there is no happiness “.

Mayakovsky dreamed that he would be resurrected by a big chemist: “Here he is, a big, quiet chemist, wrinkled his forehead before his experience. The book is “the whole earth”, – sorcates the name. The century is the twentieth. Resurrect someone b? – Mayakovsky here. We will look brighter than the face – not enough the poet is beautiful. – I’ll shout with this, from the current page: – Do not leaf through the pages! Resurrect!»I assure you, it was not a poetic figure. Believed! However, it is also obvious that neither the tablecloth, nor happiness, nor immortality did not bring progress. During the Great Patriotic War, people believed in victory. What price is another question. But it is clear that they would not win without faith.

Today, yesterday’s atheists, the children of those who destroyed the church and dropped the crosses from the bell, suddenly turned to the church. Many believe that this is just following the fashion. Don’t think. After the frantic destruction of all values and ideals, the church immediately filled the formed void. “Guys, you have to believe in miracles”, as was sung in another Soviet song. In miracles or not miracles, but you need to believe. I in my youth was a communal in the Leningrad commune. The movement was powerful, several hundred thousand teenagers captured throughout the country. Alternative Komsomol and Pioneer. He was eventually covered. We believed that we could change the country and society. Not changed. But for some tenth fraction of a degree, maybe still shifted? The happy time was, as a state of faith, happy.What can I say? All great is made from faith. Temples were so built. Faith is an imagination. The temple first arose in the imagination of the Creator, and then was already built of brick. Rublev. Bach. After all, he heard his fugues, staying alone with himself, then recorded. Perhaps the most remarkable things in people’s relationships are kept by faith? Love, for example. What, you can know, calculate, calculate? Just believe. Or do not believe. Two diametrically different plots of life is obtained. Today this children’s topic (faith in love) has come out of conversation, we are all adults and restrained, and confidently smart for such conversations. But after all, what I said, is a fact.

The state of faith, I repeat, subjectively more important than its content, but in life it is the content that determines the luck or failure of life. The fascist fanatics also believed in the superiority of one race over another. What happened is known. The sectarians who took up collective suicide also did this from the faith. Alas! Marx once said that a person is responsible not only to his beliefs, but also for his beliefs. However, I do not write a fable. I can’t put morality at the end. But I agree with Marx.

My friend falls on the operation. Some say that this is not necessary or, if done, then only in Germany. He decided for surgery, and not in Germany, but here, in Russia. He believed the doctors. This. They say that with heart disease, faith is almost solved by the outcome. The future, of course, will show.

But there is a faith in the infinite and, by definition, non -partial. For, for example, that life, despite all its grimaces, ugliness and cruelty, is beautiful. Malacholny? Fool? Maybe. But just this faith, I think, will not let you down.